Science Cards

There is a growing disconnect between achievements in science and the adoption of practices consistent with that knowledge. The pursuit of scientific knowledge relies upon evidence for conclusions, leaving no room for human emotion. While this strategy is quite effective in expanding our knowledge humans are emotional creatures. For those that don’t spend a lifetime in research, scientific publications are not readily understandable, or even generally accessible. Without the option for an emotional connection that leaves little, if anything, for most people to connect with science.

OMMBV science cards celebrate scientific achievements. Much like baseball or hockey cards celebrate the players and achievements of those sports, science cards provide an outlet for non-scientists to emotionally connect with science, scientists, and the pursuit of reality.

Dipole Magnetic Field – Spherical Earth

These results cover the simplest configuration, a simple magnetic field like a bar magnet at home, and a perfectly spherical Earth. The first three cards describe the magnetic field itself. First, the altitude of the highest point of each field line (apex), followed by the latitude of the apex (0 degrees latitude), and the change in longitude from the plot location to the apex (no change, north/south field). The final card is the uncertainty of the generated basis vectors. Maximum errors are in the sixth digit, or an uncertainty of approximately 0.0001%, directly demonstrating an accurate basis.

Dipole Magnetic Field – Geodetic Earth

The spherical Earth is now replaced with a more realistic specification. The magnetic field is unchanged. Previous methods for a magnetic basis were not able to incorporate a geodetic Earth and maintain orthogonal vectors. OMMBV remains orthogonal and incorporates this complication with no change in uncertainty.

Quadrupole Magnetic Field (X) – Geodetic Earth

The complexity of a dipole magnetic field is increased to include a quadrupole term in the equatorial plane. The combination of multiple magnetic components makes this a multipole field. The additional complexity is reflected in changes to the apex altitude, latitude, and change in longitude. The apex latitude is no longer constant, instead it varies between about -0.6 and 1.6 degrees. Consistent with the variation in latitude, the magnetic field now also has east/west components. The ‘W’ form for the geomagnetic equator is seen in both the apex altitude (first) and basis uncertainty plots (fourth). OMMBV remains orthogonal and incorporates this complication with no change in uncertainty.

These results demonstrate the first orthogonal basis for multipole fields that includes mapping of electric fields and plasma velocities.

Quadrupole Magnetic Field (Z) – Geodetic Earth

The dipole magnetic field now includes a quadrupole term aligned with the geographic poles. The combination of multiple magnetic components makes this a multipole field. The apex latitude is now in the southern hemisphere but drifts northward with increasing altitude. The alignment of the dipole and quadrupole fields retains a north/south alignment for the magnetic field. OMMBV remains orthogonal and incorporates this complication with no change in uncertainty.

Normal Quadrupole Magnetic Field – Geodetic Earth

The dipole magnetic field now includes a pair of quadrupoles in the equatorial plane. The combination of multiple magnetic components makes this a multipole field. The apex latitude now symmetrically varies between +/- 2 degrees latitude, forming the Charlie Brown ‘W’ pattern in apex height and basis uncertainty. The additional quadrupole compared to the quadrupole (x) case increases the change in longitude, or the east/west component of the magnetic field. OMMBV remains orthogonal and incorporates this complication with no change in uncertainty.

International Geomagnetic Reference Field – Geodetic Earth

The magnetic field and planetary surface both match the Earth. The Earth’s multipole magnetic field is not aligned with the geographic poles. Further, it is not quite centered with the Earth. This tilt and offset results in the ‘V’ shape for the geomagnetic equator. Changes in latitude (longitude) are larger than previous cases, exceeding +/- 10 degrees. OMMBV remains orthogonal and incorporates this complication with no change in maximum uncertainty. The use of a realistic magnetic field rather than test cases does have an impact on the distribution of error, appearing less random than the test magnetic fields. A network of low uncertainty areas (dark lines) emerges.

These results demonstrate the first orthogonal basis for the geomagnetic field that includes mapping of electric fields and plasma velocities.